Just be cool, folks. BKG has irl things going on, and I’m not counting this title out yet.
Here’s the wiki link, but the wiki is falling behind. Support for the Dev comes in many forms, so hit up the Discord, the wiki and here and let’s keep the traffic in a good state so that Dev has a better time coming back to things.
It's likely abandoned, but I've seen other games that took over a year off and then went back to it, hoping it's just "need a long break" and not abandoned. It's such a wonderful game (even if the MC is a bit of a jerk)
The mc is offputting, i hope there is a redemption/ redeemable mc. Or just a different Mc with a different skill set. I'm unsure if there is a pregnancy option. It's a solid rpg but the mc is such a jerk it's annoying to even have him let alone play as him.
Don't worry mate, further down the story there's character development and also you get to control how the MC becomes, will you continue him being a jackass or will you become nicer
There will be quests that makes you choose what to be
really REALLY far down... like you have to get all those affection levels on the character stories and then you'll see that the MC cares and changes, but then in some parts you can choose whether to be an ass or not, there will be options and choices so that'll be on you... be really patient to get through it and don't hate on much. Even some of the slaves who are unhappy or not like him as much as the others who do love him, even they start defending him (Spoiler here: The Elven girl Bronwyn be having a tsundere moment in a life or death situation with him, and he actually says the "L" 4 letter word with the Necromancer chick and she became happy about it all throughout the day)
Oh damn... I have completed it to the point that I have to wait for the new update, and I have forgotten everything... I already dropped it. The only thing I'm certain about is that there is one incomplete quest with an incomplete story with one of the girls (forgot her name, she's one of the professors in a magic school and got our old man mage buddy killed) It may be the same Facility you're talking about, the place where there's gems you need to activate and whatnot, that part is incomplete, you can brute force it and get it done but yeah nothing happens after that part and nothing to do other than collecting the paintings the princess paints for decoration...
(It's understandable if you feel like you shouldn't click random links, so here's another suggestion: Search up Harem Collector Quest and click the Bad Kitty Games, they're the devs who put that wiki up for players.
Trying to download this game for Windows for the first time in a couple of years, and the installation executable keeps failing upon reaching a file named peaceful[...]. The error message provides no explanation as to the nature of the problem.
Here are all the codes that can be entered in the east wing of the manor.
All work as of 9/30/23
Please Support the devs, they deserve it and I personally can't wait for to see the next round of 2D CGs. *fingers crossed for more Ino and Meline content*
Map Pack =map select
Ojou-Sama =spawns Quinta
Rule63 =AF2015 Event
Bwjfnc =Summoners Gone Wild Event
Bwjfnc2 =Summoners Gone Wild Event 2
JuFJrY =Sibling Rivalry Event
v8PS8vyZ =Free Gem
Test5902 =Teleports to battle test map
t5XPRYk =Free Marbles
3RMwgHYV =Free Hat
XHgw5t =Free Toy
f9p6QTn=Free Scroll
TeStEr =Enables console (press f5 to open the console)
*Console has it's own set of commands*
KcQQrK =Free Resistance Potion
p58Tkr =Free Salts
h9UeCK =Free Potion
ad7PSRkWDe =adds 50 levels to party *doesn't work on hard mode*
DERYru2G =adds 50,000 Sil to player
6niwW3Dq =adds Wiki-tan to party
Let me know if you have a problem and I'll try to help you out.
This is a solid RPG game. One of the best RPG maker games i've played, period.
It took a little to get comfortable with the day system. However, eventually you settle into the swing of doing your "dailies" which is collecting your daily rewards, gifts, torturing and doing your own gifts to raise affection.
You also accept the fact that the sheer amount of quests in the game means you won't be hurting for ways to end the day, so don't over think it. The investments are extremely cool, one of my favourite mechanics in games like Fable for instance.
My current favourite party is Papachi, Healbot (Felix), Elaiya and Browyn.
Papachi in either form works. As a warlord, he can assist in keeping your party alive and can go Def / Atk buffs. I'm currently doing Phantom Knight to raise that character's affection, but I actually like this playstyle too. The ghost party is extremely defensive and turns him into more of a leading DPS role too. Healbot is a great healer and utility, give him the rhinestone relic that recovers MP in combat and when walking and you'll have smooth sailing in all missions with infinite healing out of combat. In combat, he can potentially stun, increase MDF and MAG, but also give whole party Agility buffs, huge for our next two characters. Elaiya is huge single target damage, late game she'll one-shot most enemies in the 1st round of combat. Her whole role is just huge single target DPS. Who needs AOE when you kill someone every round? Round 2, that's where Browyn comes in. She is a great assist to Elaiya, as can apply a lot of debuffs. Now for a long time I used her to put bleed / acid / burning on high HP tanks. Now, I actually just use her to Pin targets. Pinned targets lose all dodge / crit dodge so Elaiya guaranteed hits all 3 shots, and most likely crits 1/2 times. It's one-shot territory maybe!
All this, which is to say, i'm not playing this for the H. It is a nice bonus. :) Now if the H had the budget and resources to be fully custom art and consistent (and most importantly finished!) then this could be a god tier H game but eventually I found myself just opening this every day to quest...
I've tried to download the game, but whenever I try to open the .exe file it tells me "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software."
Can someone tell me how to bypass my paranoid computer security?
Soooo....yeah....apparently you cant make the character run on android so you have 2 options:your horny ass need to have a patience of a fucking monk,or pray the devs do something about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are the buttons not working on android? Because the speed change isn't tied to a specific keyboard press, it's tied to an internal button in the engine, which is then mapped to the keyboard, so if the emulator has those mapped it should work just fine, if the emulator doesn't map the special buttons you might be out of luck
Wth is an rga? I downloaded this twice only to stopped from installing it due to this RGA format So I can't play this on android witch is a shame cause it's something I wanted to try
im stuck in the newest quest with the last wish where i'm told by a npc "perhaps you should save your game sir" no matter what i do im stuck in the room if anyone can help i would appreciate it.
its the end of the current content for now. from what i understand this is one of the last "main" quests so it was big enough that they split it in 2 pieces. hopefully that is helpful
its a ways away, if you explore around a bit, youll eventually find it. theres no random encounters so you dont gotta worry about getting tko'ed while looking for it
← Return to game
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how do you save the game, its greyed out for me
i wish this was getting more updates
is this finished or? any updates?
Hello. Where can i find Renfeld after unlocking her? (she's the vampire fangirl)
After you let her out of the room you locked her in, I believe she hangs out in the masterbedroom of Vamp Mansion.
Ah, i expected to be able to find her in the first house too.
Anyone got the apk version for Android?
You’ll have to scroll down a little bit, it’s on the righthand side of the page.
That part was funny.
needs native linux support. <3
Just be cool, folks. BKG has irl things going on, and I’m not counting this title out yet. Here’s the wiki link, but the wiki is falling behind. Support for the Dev comes in many forms, so hit up the Discord, the wiki and here and let’s keep the traffic in a good state so that Dev has a better time coming back to things.
what is the code redemption machine and can someone tell me ware to find the codes?
There’s a Fan wiki with all of that info. badkittygames.ca
i hope not but over a year without a word/or update ..... Harem Collecter Is most likly Abandoned
It's likely abandoned, but I've seen other games that took over a year off and then went back to it, hoping it's just "need a long break" and not abandoned. It's such a wonderful game (even if the MC is a bit of a jerk)
after checking there discord it seems one of the devs is working on there mental healt
I am stuck in it ain't easy being green quest.
Now i am in Final Facility F6 and the soldier is saying "Perhaps you should take the time to save your game, sir."
Now i don't know what to do next.
How to do android?
Download Joiplay and RPG Maker pluggin from google
tried that
Also download RGP VX ACE RTP
This game is working on my android
Is your game working now?
I cannot save the game, it just doesnt let me press the button. Any Ideas on how to fix that? :(
Dropped ?
yea most likly
after checking there discord it seems one of the devs is working on there mental health
The mc is offputting, i hope there is a redemption/ redeemable mc. Or just a different Mc with a different skill set. I'm unsure if there is a pregnancy option. It's a solid rpg but the mc is such a jerk it's annoying to even have him let alone play as him.
Question is pregnancy a optional?
Im unsure.
could you please test it to see if it possible?
I dont think there is, i havent played though since the mc is too much of an annoyance
omg the mc is such a big ahole
instead of helping your apprentice you keep him to yourself to get free healing
Don't worry mate, further down the story there's character development and also you get to control how the MC becomes, will you continue him being a jackass or will you become nicer
There will be quests that makes you choose what to be
How far down?
really REALLY far down... like you have to get all those affection levels on the character stories and then you'll see that the MC cares and changes, but then in some parts you can choose whether to be an ass or not, there will be options and choices so that'll be on you... be really patient to get through it and don't hate on much. Even some of the slaves who are unhappy or not like him as much as the others who do love him, even they start defending him (Spoiler here: The Elven girl Bronwyn be having a tsundere moment in a life or death situation with him, and he actually says the "L" 4 letter word with the Necromancer chick and she became happy about it all throughout the day)
Have you completed it ain't easy being green quest because i am stuck in that quest in Final Facility F6 and don't know what to do next.
Oh damn... I have completed it to the point that I have to wait for the new update, and I have forgotten everything... I already dropped it. The only thing I'm certain about is that there is one incomplete quest with an incomplete story with one of the girls (forgot her name, she's one of the professors in a magic school and got our old man mage buddy killed) It may be the same Facility you're talking about, the place where there's gems you need to activate and whatnot, that part is incomplete, you can brute force it and get it done but yeah nothing happens after that part and nothing to do other than collecting the paintings the princess paints for decoration...
Here's a link for all that would help you in your quests
(It's understandable if you feel like you shouldn't click random links, so here's another suggestion: Search up Harem Collector Quest and click the Bad Kitty Games, they're the devs who put that wiki up for players.
where can one exchange the "trash" items like gold and silver for money?
You go to your owned shops and talk to your slaves about wanting to sell, all your trash items will automatically be sold for money
Trying to download this game for Windows for the first time in a couple of years, and the installation executable keeps failing upon reaching a file named peaceful[...]. The error message provides no explanation as to the nature of the problem.
Is there femdom content? Like can I have a femdom harem?
Any chance we can get an alternate for gargan for those who aren't comfortable with him/her
just wondering will there be a harem collector 2 where you get the remaining 115 girls ?
Here are all the codes that can be entered in the east wing of the manor.
All work as of 9/30/23
Please Support the devs, they deserve it and I personally can't wait for to see the next round of 2D CGs. *fingers crossed for more Ino and Meline content*
Map Pack =map select
Ojou-Sama =spawns Quinta
Rule63 =AF2015 Event
Bwjfnc =Summoners Gone Wild Event
Bwjfnc2 =Summoners Gone Wild Event 2
JuFJrY =Sibling Rivalry Event
v8PS8vyZ =Free Gem
Test5902 =Teleports to battle test map
t5XPRYk =Free Marbles
3RMwgHYV =Free Hat
XHgw5t =Free Toy
f9p6QTn=Free Scroll
TeStEr =Enables console (press f5 to open the console)
*Console has it's own set of commands*
KcQQrK =Free Resistance Potion
p58Tkr =Free Salts
h9UeCK =Free Potion
ad7PSRkWDe =adds 50 levels to party *doesn't work on hard mode*
DERYru2G =adds 50,000 Sil to player
6niwW3Dq =adds Wiki-tan to party
Let me know if you have a problem and I'll try to help you out.
are the events unique to when entering the respective codes?
the toy one doesnt work
Show post...
does anyone have a map for each city with building names?
Look there sites up, there is a map in there
This is a solid RPG game.
One of the best RPG maker games i've played, period.
It took a little to get comfortable with the day system. However, eventually you settle into the swing of doing your "dailies" which is collecting your daily rewards, gifts, torturing and doing your own gifts to raise affection.
You also accept the fact that the sheer amount of quests in the game means you won't be hurting for ways to end the day, so don't over think it.
The investments are extremely cool, one of my favourite mechanics in games like Fable for instance.
My current favourite party is Papachi, Healbot (Felix), Elaiya and Browyn.
Papachi in either form works. As a warlord, he can assist in keeping your party alive and can go Def / Atk buffs. I'm currently doing Phantom Knight to raise that character's affection, but I actually like this playstyle too. The ghost party is extremely defensive and turns him into more of a leading DPS role too.
Healbot is a great healer and utility, give him the rhinestone relic that recovers MP in combat and when walking and you'll have smooth sailing in all missions with infinite healing out of combat. In combat, he can potentially stun, increase MDF and MAG, but also give whole party Agility buffs, huge for our next two characters.
Elaiya is huge single target damage, late game she'll one-shot most enemies in the 1st round of combat. Her whole role is just huge single target DPS. Who needs AOE when you kill someone every round?
Round 2, that's where Browyn comes in. She is a great assist to Elaiya, as can apply a lot of debuffs. Now for a long time I used her to put bleed / acid / burning on high HP tanks. Now, I actually just use her to Pin targets. Pinned targets lose all dodge / crit dodge so Elaiya guaranteed hits all 3 shots, and most likely crits 1/2 times. It's one-shot territory maybe!
All this, which is to say, i'm not playing this for the H. It is a nice bonus. :)
Now if the H had the budget and resources to be fully custom art and consistent (and most importantly finished!) then this could be a god tier H game but eventually I found myself just opening this every day to quest...
Great game. Like. Actual 'game'.
If you like this game then you should try TLS (the last sovereign)
I've just looked it up and i'm downloading it as we speak.
Saw investments and harem in the same sentence and that's me hook, line and sinker.
Good shout out.
Show post...
is there any codes that go with the lever in the mansion
I've tried to download the game, but whenever I try to open the .exe file it tells me "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software."
Can someone tell me how to bypass my paranoid computer security?
My game currently is unplayable on pc, the movement keys only work for down and right
press f1, see if you changed your controls. Also check a keyboard tester to see if your keyboard is functioning properly
Soooo....yeah....apparently you cant make the character run on android so you have 2 options:your horny ass need to have a patience of a fucking monk,or pray the devs do something about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are the buttons not working on android? Because the speed change isn't tied to a specific keyboard press, it's tied to an internal button in the engine, which is then mapped to the keyboard, so if the emulator has those mapped it should work just fine, if the emulator doesn't map the special buttons you might be out of luck
Im pretty sure I press every key at least once and nothing changed 😭😭
Wth is an rga? I downloaded this twice only to stopped from installing it due to this RGA format So I can't play this on android witch is a shame cause it's something I wanted to try
im stuck in the newest quest with the last wish where i'm told by a npc "perhaps you should save your game sir" no matter what i do im stuck in the room if anyone can help i would appreciate it.
Do you know what i should do next because i am also stucked in that quest.
its the end of the current content for now. from what i understand this is one of the last "main" quests so it was big enough that they split it in 2 pieces. hopefully that is helpful
Is it normal that the game lags so much even with the rain effect turned off? :C
I have everything installed and without problems and it works for me even with lag: C, it didn't happen to me with previous versions
Can you guys from bad kitty not make an android version that is apk and has a joystick?
Android version not working on 0.54.2
is there any pregnancy/pregnant bellies?
does anyone know where the ruined fort is for the loneliest party quest
its a ways away, if you explore around a bit, youll eventually find it. theres no random encounters so you dont gotta worry about getting tko'ed while looking for it