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can someone help me playing this game on Android and I don't know how to level up because there's no random encouter and when I move it's too fucking slow

So is this discontinued?

Nope just got to wait for more updates. Just be patient they will come soon eventually.

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got a question on yellow lever to green lever was i post to active it or not. because both green, violet red is active and can't get to cell x area. and to active lever up right


I can't run the .exe extraction always fails and audio is the only folder that gets started. Would like a zip file instead of an extraction program for the main game like the lite version my last update was 42.5 ROYAL not sure if  the lite update can be used with the version I have.

hello..i starting to play this..but somehow i cant save game..and limit galert,followers n i need another save file ? i dont even have save file

getting an issue where when i attempt to launch the game through the program it only ever calls the installer program. Anyway to fix this so hitting launch with run the game instead?

For send Newts I go to the tower I can't enter but can't get them to enter or interact with anything, did I miss something?

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Where is the dungeon for torture? I even upgraded it for more options but i cant seem to find it

when you enter the mansion you will see two doors on the right. go there and you will be in the dungeon

In the Virgin Genocides why won't the theater open and keeps saying "Thanks for the Great Season"

sneak in at night

Deleted 1 year ago
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its been a while so i dont really remember but i can tell you the link to the wiki


how do i clear the quest "a forge too far" after defeating elvo at the 2nd floor and go back to the main floor the box are already moved and I'm stuck at the house so i decided to to go back the basement and i didn't find him or anything 


Anyone would willing to help me. I download the android file. And it's extension is rga. And I can't install it. 

And I can't open the tutorial page for installing on Android. Because it banned on my country. I did use VPn still it won't open

Please help me how to install it on my Android. Thank you so much

no android file exists. are you sure your on the right game?

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HaremCollector_v0.54.2 BRIGANDINE (andriod).rga

This is what it says and I can't get it to work either.

Figured it out. You need to download from their actual website

Wiki link under "More information" seems to be outdated. Would be nice if it's updated


During the quest where I'm in the HMS Sea Cucumber, I can't unlock the locked doors even though I already have the Captain's Key. There also doesn't seem to be any other key nearby, and since I can't climb back out of the ship's hold, I am also effectively stuck in there. This seems like a bug, so addressing this would be appreciated.


In the room with the beds, there is a chest top right of the screen. Check it from all sides and you'll get the Key you need, if you have read all the diaries. It's a bit obscure to figure out.

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This is definitely helpful, thanks.

So in case there are also others wondering, the key you're supposed to look for is the Quartermaster's Key, which is found in the beds. That key is what you need to unlock the door in the bedroom. Captain's Key is used for the boss fight door.

where do you find the captains key i have searched the entire room

Game won't let me save

are you in an area with enemys?

Question, how do I get the formal wear for the Lord's quest?

A bit late, but anyways, there's a shop in Westcastle where you can buy men's clothing, including formal wear.


is this a dead game? It says in the description it gets updates every two months, but it was last updated last year in November.


No, just going to have patience. The dev has a life so he could be busy with other stuff before getting to the update

so what are all the locations i can get slave collars from? i cant progress the send newts quest without one


hey i've played your game for a while now and i have some suggestions you could add to your game.

my first suggestion is to add a mission detail to your quest. what i mean is not mission detail like some "delinquent didn't pay their loan and decided to run away" i the detail. but more like the mission detail to where we could find these people like a progress tracker.

speaking of location, my second suggestion is to add a name above the places that certainly have a name, so player wouldn't wander around trying to find where they should go next. sure, it ask the player to explore, but eventually, they'll get tired and frustated because they couldn't find the place.

the third one is could you make the direction told by npcs a bit more specific. i don't if it happens to other, but  when i take part on the first quest (the orc quest) it took me a while to find the place because of npcs direction. when the npc says northwest from the poor district? sorry i kind of forgot the name. i thought it was near, turns out it's so far away.

i like the mechanic where you randomly encounter en event like encountering a battlefield etc. at first i thought i discover a location but when i exit the place, there's nothing on the map. good job on making this one some games i played decided to give the player monsters to fight if they walk through a forest in the map overview even if it's just one tree, it could still trigger it.

also, the investment system, i also like that. not many game i know so far uses the shop for making investment, the shop only sells you some item and that's it, nothing to interact with, and the girls? god, i love how you make the girl to able to do something else beside following to battle or just become staying in home. i'm not saying following to battle or staying at home is bad, it's just gives of a different use of the slave and make them more productive.

all in all, this game has much potential and i'm waitng for the next update while finishing the current version 😄😄😄

I've been following this game for years and you bring up some great points that I very much agree with. I hope the devs see this.

Got a failed to extract error what should I do?

Could someone please tell me where I can sell items is. I've got ten gold and a hell of a lot of items.

You must save Florine (get a job)
She will open a shop (left building at the entrance of your manor)

Thank you. I found this out a few days ago, but the help is still welcomed.

Anyone's know how to use the android rga file or is it broken

i dont think its on android

I'm unsure why, but I'm currently stuck with my game freezing every time I get to the point where I'm trying to go to diadira's concert. I'm unsure if it's due to me being in the middle of a quest, or some other factor. Haven't finished the quest where you get Kevin and "Doll" (I named her squeaker) and trying to get diadira since I'm trying to stall the attack on my mansion until I can get my sister to trust. Dunno if I just need to abandon that notion and continue, or if my game is just completely fucked on getting diadira at this point. Thought I'd bring it up, though. Also, no, I don't have Squeaker in my party, she's currently at home since I'm that late into the quest.

Signed, An Idiot

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Recently finished the quest, and am still unable to do the diadira quest. chose to redownload the game and transfer my save files, but unless it's the saves that are shot, I still can't get in. Maybe another of my quests are stopping me from getting diadira or something? trying other methods

Signed, An Idiot w/ no Melody

Edit: only other quests I have are as follows
     Stuck in the Middle With You
     Rescue Me (The Diadira Quest, so duh)
     You Get What You Give
     (Character Name) Baker and the Philosopher's Stone

Going to try and do the quests and see if one is blocking me. If not, will restart and use Loan Money to attemt the diadira quest, if I can that early at least


 Final Update:
     Turns out it was a personal issue, and I didn't need to bother anybody with it. Restarted my computer, and everything's now working like it's brand new. Sorry for making the developers worry that there was some kind of bug in their game. Everybody have a great day

Signed, Truly An Idiot

Anyone know what happened to the cerulean mod?

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Is there next update


Games is just finished.??


Because in game there some character quest are not completed?

the game still is getting updates. unless you see that sucker say complete or say 1.00.0, they're updating it until they got everything. the "finally" is them saying they got all the big swingers in the game as welll as an ending (possibly). they still gotta tidy that all up and straighten up the filler

En la versión 52.2 cuales son los nuevos cambios y como hacerlo

Is it just me or was the game and the dev's profile completely unavailable yesterday? I kept getting 404


where is the tenple where you find therese?

i have been looking and i cant find it

Therese's Temple is in the northmarket wealthy district. look for all the graves, and you'll find it. A nun should be able to tell you where you can find Therese as well.


Shout out to devs, for mentioning KIM.COM

is there a way to reject enslaving Gargan? I would appreciate it at least.

This game is literally TLS's gameplay with a completely different story, I fucking love it


What's TLS

The Last Sovereign


How do i install the android version? Because the file said rga not apk (I don't know how to install a rga file) 

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I followed the tutorial and it fails to import, I feel like pc is the only way

So, silly question maybe. But if I say no to the 3D images will those scenes be skipped? Black screen? Or what?

Never mind! I tested it and it's just a black screen.


At the end of Zombie quest in Lumberhill, I want to search for the lost girl i the woods, but I am stopped with "I should get a collar first"
Where can I get a collar?

I was looking at and didn't find conclusive solution.

.ca -> Hey, is mounted police still trampling over peoples' heads up there?

As you run out of collars you should be able to talk to one of the slave keeper where you bought the maids from and get more. At least to start with.

Thank you

are there any other ways after that

i tried this game some time ago but being unable to farm normal enemies , or some way to pass the day so i can farm gold, put me off trying to get a 100% completition , as farming in a (j)rpg is something that i love to do .

is it still like that or the game updated in ways that allow you some kind of farming ?

i know there's an added " easy difficulty" now but it was never about difficulty , i just dont like that there's an optimized and a not optimized way to play the game as it takes off some of the fun of exploring on my own


did the forums get nuked or some shit where'd they go

Can we making love with felix? Mueheheheheheheheheheheheh

no, that's gay, also isn't he like 15?


Well, in some part of the world 15 considered as an adult. I'm serious.

Also, Felix is too cute to left unscathed by mc :3

(Please take my reply as a joke for whole)

Damn rpg maker plugin has error ..when I try to start the game

Script modding line 51 ..😔

Brother, you have to update Joiplay.

To do this, just visit the Patreon website and search for JoiPlay.

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There you will find a plugin to play this particular game, and also download the RTP files "RTP VX Ace".

This is such a masterpiece of art . hope you have a discord for updating the fan base and informing them.

They do. The link is in the OP
Or just click here

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