Iron Waifu 2018

Hey everyone! May will be starting soon and that will mean that it'll be time for Iron Waifu Grand Tourney 2018! For those of you who don't know, this is a tournament that we run on the Badkitty Games forums every year in May. The winner of the tournament will be prioritized to have more content for them added in during fall of the same year! Let's look at our round 1 matches real quick shall we?

This year we made sure to include all the potential prizes the characters can win, you can find all of them in the official Iron Waifu 2018 thread. I will note though that to vote in the tournament you will need to register on our forums, so if you want to get that out of the way feel free to do so in advance!

Also, it's come to our attention that there's a bug in one of Yamamaya's scenes that can crash the game. This was talked about in the before mentioned blog post at the button, but if you didn't check it out what you need to do to prevent the issue is go into the folder where you keep Harem Collector, go into the 'Graphics' folder, make a new folder named 'Pictures' and add in any image and title it 'Yamamaya2-6'. The blog post linked at the top has an image that players might like to use for this purpose. If you don't know where your Harem Collector folder is, you can also simply avoid the scene in question (it involves buying a certain item in Eastfort if that helps) or simply play the game with the 3D scenes off. The bug has been fixed in it's entirety for the 0.34 release but given that the bug can be fixed without a patch we wanted to get the word out about it.

Hope to see you all at Iron Waifu!

Get Harem Collector

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